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Saturday, July 4, 2020


    In the midst of isolation there is a very strange tapping in the house constantly. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap..........tap tap tap tap tap tap. No, its not a leaky faucet or a busy neighbor hanging pictures while they remodel. Its two little pandemic pups that have finally sent me over the edge mentally. When I go get coffee......tap tap tap tap tap. When I go to the bathroom.......tap tap tap tap tap. Yes I probably should have clipped their nails but I wasn't thinking we would all be locked up for 4 months. I also got Covid19 was bad. They hate the now everywhere i, bathroom, fridge, back to bathroom, computer, front door, back to kitchen, all I hear is tap tap tap. They are SO co-dependant. As I sit here and cry wondering if the world is all going to completely fall apart, they come jump on my lap and lick away my tears. I cant even get a good CRY in peace any more. They want me happy. And as they jump in my lap lick my tears, I sure love them, and realize I need to brush their little teeth or get them a breath mint at least. 
    We only have 4 little rooms to spend time in and man, sometimes I have to lock myself in one of them to have peace. But alas, there they are whining and scratching at the door to let them in! What is going to happen to them if I have to go back to work? Oh my. Will they survive? They definitely will need a nail trim. I would look like an attack victim of Freddie or Chuckie after an attack. And I am pretty sure if I don't start some kind of income generating type of employment
soon, I may not survive our time together or even alone. If I sit, its their lap, if a leaf blows outside and hits the side of the house, barking for days. (they are such good watchdogs). My oh my. I love these little guys. So adorable, so cuddly, in fact so cuddly that now since the pandemic, I can't even sleep comfortably in my own bed. They have taken total control of my queen size bed, where I am only allowed about 10 inches on the left side. Now I have a hole I sleep in, a dip, an indention and even when I flip the bed it doesn't go away. I used to like the middle, hmmm. And these little buggers pump out the heat. What kind of horse crap is that? I mean really.....Who is the Alpha of the house? Who is in control? Who makes the decisions? Who says what we do and when we do it? Well obviously not me. If the pandemic lasts another year, I am not sure I can survive watching them scratch and lick themselves, wondering why ever let them lick me. Definitely need the mints. If I leave them alone too long its bad.
Just one more reason I need to go back to work.......soon. I am thinking of getting the little doggie carriers. One for the front and one for the back. I may get looks but I know I have peeps out there that totally understand me, and are just looking for relief, like me.


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